Septic Systems of Texas offers onsite septic system designs and permitting for residential and commercial properties in Central Texas.
Our service includes consultation, site evaluations, designs, and permitting.
Site Evaluation
The type of system that best fits your property will depend on your soils and site conditions. Our evaluation will analyze the soil conditions, design boundaries, and determine the best location for your septic system.
Installing a new or repairing an old septic system requires permits with the governing municipal authority, which will vary by county and city. Allow us to take the burden of bureaucracy off of your shoulders and ensure you're squared away with Uncle Sam.
Standard Infiltration
The classic septic system final treatment step is a subsurface infiltration field. A passive system with limited to no mechanical parts. These systems have been in use for over 100 years, though with some updates such as leeching chambers rather than gravel filled trenches.
Aerobic Systems
Increased treatment efficiency within the septic tank can be obtained by feeding oxygen into the system. This oxygen increases the bacterial population, which better breaks down waste.
Drip Irrigation
Drip irrigation systems are one of two discharge methods typically used with an aerobic system. The effluent is pressurized through drip lines with drip emitters every 2 to 4 feet within the line. This system is buried shallow, has a smaller drain field size, and can be snaked around trees or other site constraints.
Spray Irrigation
Spray irrigation is the second method typically used for aerobic system effluent discharge. The effluent is again pressurized but is sprayed into an irrigation area via standard irrigation system sprinkler heads rather than being emitted subsurface.